
Temper Temper

I've noticed my temper starting to flare lately, especially in our live cash games. I think I'm just being hard on myself for making bad plays, which I need to learn to just let go. Yes I want to make the best play every single time but trying to hold myself to that standard constantly can't be a good thing. I have to realize I'm still human and that it's a game of imperfect information so I can't get it right all the time.

I remember one instance two weekends ago where I lost a $15 pot to Jason when I check raised my four card straight on the river on a fairly dangerous board. He called and showed a higher straight. Or this last weekend in an Omaha hand where I donated $15+ to Craig with trip sevens, which was actually just a terrible play overall. I really need to practice more PLO online so I can plug holes like that.

This last weekend wasn't very good online, it seemed like I was getting coolered a lot. I know in one instance I flopped a K high flush with KQd and someone else had AJd. Stuff like that. I know it's just variance and it will eventually turn around. I just make sure I don't tilt and play too high for my roll. I just took out some more $ to pay off the PS2 I bought for Christmas. I just opened an Epassporte account this month to see if I can get my $ out faster than a check in the mail. We shall see, so far it hasn't been that fast.

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