
Fuck poker

I have had the absolute worst weekend on Full Tilt. It's pretty disgusting the beats I took last night alone in the cash game. Just donks getting lucky, rivers , runners you name it, it happened.

I thought turned quad aces after flopping a set with AA against the douche who limp/called 79s and flopped a flush would make me feel better at the time. And I thought certainly after getting up to 4K in chips in the $22 SNG would be a lock to cash and even out the night. But no the beats reared their ugly head and took me out in 2 hands, including the same douche who flopped a flush on me. He was short stack and limp/called Q6o in the sb against my 88. Flop is 552, he shoves and I call and hits runner runner straight.

Then I have 44 and I raise 3xbb from the sb, and the bb minimum raises me. I almost threw my hand away but the price was too good and he had a decent stack and I knew from his raise he had a big pair like KK or AA that I had good implied odds to crack. Well the flop came a 4 and we got all the money in and then he turns a K on me. Fucker.

And every session of heads up cash game I played I didn't win a single one.

I'm so pissed right now, I really don't even want to be at work. I just want to go home and start going apeshit online even more. Ack. Fuck poker.

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