
Another month!

One of the Cardrunner pros is taking on two protege's. Of the last two, one is now a WPT Champion and the other went $100 cash games to $1000 and made over 50K in 5 months.

All they ask is two questions and here is my response:

1. What aspects of your poker game are you looking to improve in 2008?

The biggest thing for me is to be thinking more in terms of hand ranges. For instance, what hands are going to be calling a bet on the river? What’s someone 3 bet/calling range or 4 bet shoving range? I think incorporating these into my thought process will enable me to maximize value in spots I wouldn’t normally in cash games and it would help me to accumulate chips faster in multi-table tournaments so that I’m not squeeking into the money a large percentage of the time.

2. Why should Taylor choose you and why do you think you'll be the next CardRunners success story

While there are many, the main reason I should be Taylor’s protégé is my incredible passion for the game. I started playing poker in college over 3 years ago and since then my ambition, determination and love for holdem tournaments and cash games have grown exponentially. I’m 24 years old now, recently married to my high school sweetheart, and I work 3 jobs: a receptionist day job M-F 8-5, an on-air radio DJ gig on Saturday nights (mix947.com), and as a tournament director for a national bar league every Thursday (www.tfpl.net). Somehow between all those obligations I manage to log an average of 20 hrs a week on Full Tilt! That’s dedication.

According to Gamblers Anonymous I would be considered a “serious social player”. It’s true because if I’m not playing cards, I’m usually online reading the boards, watching poker videos, reading magazines and books, or just talking about something poker related to anyone who’ll listen. But through all that I’ve never really established any consistent rapport with an online pro, and I think that’s something that would help me immensely. It seems like I’m constantly giving advice to my friends who are either new players or have very obvious holes in their game. I could benefit from someone on the next level pointing out obvious holes to ME.

I’ll be the next CardRunners success story because I’m full of potential, and 2007 has been without a doubt my best year. I’ve had my two biggest career cashes, both in the last two FTOPS Main Events for a total of $2500. I’ve come a long way since April 2006 when I set out for my $100 bankroll experiment and I’ve gotten to where I am now through good bankroll management and recordkeeping. That’s another reason why I feel I’d be a good candidate because of the discipline I’ve displayed over the last year and a half.

I don’t want to be the next Chad Batista, blowing through 6 figures in a month because of “variance”. I personally look up more to people like Gary Bogdanski, who’s remained part time and has a life outside of poker, but can still play a high enough limit to supplement his income. My ultimate goal would be to play mid stakes part time high enough to where I could pursue my radio career part time too and have the schedule flexibility to do that. And of course have enough left over to take my new wife on a nice vacation every once in a while. :)

So please pick me and make me the next CardRunners success story!

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