
Checks in!

I just got my Full Tilt check today! Feels good even though most of it is spent already. I'm taking 500 to Lake Charles for two tournaments. Giving 100 to church, which is way overdue. And putting the rest towards car repair.

This weekend was pretty terrible for me online. The variance is starting to rear its ugly head after the last 2 months have been good to me. I managed to lose about 100 in cash money, plus about 5 tokens which probably makes me the sickest of all.

I don't necessarily think I'm playing too poorly, because of those losses I've had some good runs in tournaments like the 17.5K from an earlier post. However, I do think I've lost focus on my short term goal and a reasonable means to achieve it. I spent a lot of Sunday trying to satellite into big tourneys. I earned all those tokens with the intention of playing up the tier system again to meet my goal, but I got blinded by big money dreams again and have yet to enter a tier two game yet.

So I think I need to a) take a short break and b) refocus and concentrate on lower single table SNG's and building tokens in between good runs. I'm also going to try and experiment with some limit holdem to practice for my Lake Charles trip next month.

One last thing before I go. I've realized that heads up online poker puts my fiance on serious life tilt. Because I'm being forced to a decision every single hand, I can't play and give her attention at the same time. So as a result she gets visibly irritated that I'm not talking to her or at least engaged in what she's saying. I really shouldn't even be playing at all while she's present or conscious, honestly.

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