
Satellite fever

I have to say after getting into the 500K, I've got the itch even more to take another shot. Full Tilt's been running the FTOPS V series but the only one I really want to take a shot at is their main event $2 mil guarantee with over 300K for first place. Instead of a $200 buyin it's $500 so it's a little more difficult to get into.

This week I've tried a few times to win a seat into a point satellite using my points. I've played 2 300 PT 9 man SNG's (winner take all) and finished 4th in the first one, and then 2nd in the next shot. That last one was the hardest to stomach because I had the guy in heads up 11,000 to 1300 and he woke up with aces when I tried to knock him out with QT and fucking made quad aces by the river! He also pulled a runner runner flush to knock me out on the end where my top pair was good.

Then last night I try another route: 50 PT turbo 54 man sng, again winner take all. And ANOTHER SECOND!! WTF is going on here! This one didn't hurt so bad because I got extremely lucky in a few key places to get as far as I did. But the blinds were so high on the end that it really could've gone either way.

So now instead what I'm trying is to get some tokens in hopes of just getting in one shot instead of two. Because honestly I'm sure I could win a point seat into the 2500 PT tourney, but who's to say I'd get a seat there? Considering how well I've been playing the SNG's lately I think I might be better off trying to get a $75 token and then winning a 9 man SNG using that as opposed to doing well in a MTT. Right now I've got two $26 tokens. I'm going to try to earn at least one more before I start taking shots at the $75 ones.

I'll keep this updated as best I can.

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