
Big Money!

Another notch in my belt: my first 4 figure cash! I cashed for $1373 in the FTOPS Main Event on Sunday, and man was it sweet.

I played well early and got a lot of good hands. Was able to survive until the bubble burst, and then got extrememly lucky to make a decent run. Eventually went out on a stone cold bluff when I ran into aces.

But it was a great experience and I attribute much success to my fiance Kristina staying home with me and encouraging me to play smart, not stupid. :)

I've taken out $1000, some of which will be used to play in Louisiana in October. That leaves me with just $750 to continue playing micro with. Right now my game plan is to step up to $25 cash game, and $11 sng's. I think if I get down to 650 I'll step back down again and start playing the $5 45 mans to recover and bounceback.

I started to play cash last night and was up early after flopping the wheel with 45s against a guy with AQ top pair A. But then I lost a good chunk with AK tptk against AA. :/ Maybe lost $30 when it was all said and done, but I'm not worried at all. Sooner or later I'm going to have to get used to larger swings at the larger stakes. But I won't be afraid to move down either. I think another good "rule" would be if I have 3 losing sessions in a row at these higher levels, then I'll move back down until I'm playing/running good again.

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