
Hey man nice shot

Finally a shot taken has been rewarded! Just took 2nd in a $13 90 man good for $175 profit.

Roll's now up to 625. ^.^ (I learned that symbol from my work btw)

For those who don't have me on Facebook, I start my new 9pm-6am shift this Sunday night. :/ Tonight (Saturday) will likely be my last on-air shift for a while seeing as this new job has screwed me by scheduling me in the middle of my normal Saturday gig.

I don't particularly like all this change in my life, but perhaps looking back it will all have been good for me. God knows what he's doing up there. I don't have a clue, but He sure does. In the end everything will be OK.

Thank you Sir for the late night victory!

1 comment:

Benny said...

Man, that new job really insinuated itself into your psyche, hasn't it?

Before you know it you are gonna be speaking Korean.