
Not much to report poker wise

Work has been pretty brutal the last 2 weeks. Working 9pm-8am for 3 days straight with the last 2 shifts ending a little earlier. Weekends are now Wednesday, Thursday. I'm still trying to get my bearings on a sleep schedule. In general I try to get to bed soon after it's over but sometimes I'll stay up until 11:30ish.

The weekends are weird too because Kristina's generally either exhausted from doing shipment or is getting up early the next day to go to shipment. So I'm spending the wee hours on my days off quietly on the computer. Like now.

That's about the only time I really have to play poker too it seems. I just feel like there's not enough time in the day lately especially with this schedule so I want to try and get enough couple time in when I'm not sleeping through the day.

I've actually been spending a LOT of time on the facebook game Farm Town. I'm completely hooked! (Growing grapes as we speak) I didn't think I'd ever start playing a Facebook game, but just like the site itself, once Kristina got on board so did I. It's really kind of sad that we talk about it so much.

We're moving in 2 weeks and we've already got a lot of things packed up. I'm getting rid of the garage sale "dresser" that's housed my turntable setup since I was in school. I don't know what I'll do with the stuff when I get to the new place but I figure it's time to upgrade, and so getting rid of the dresser will force me to when the time's right. Besides I don't spin as much as I used to and there may not be a good place for all that at the new apartment.

Baby Aubrey Belle is coming along. We're just beginning the 7th month! It took a while to feel her kicking but now I can feel her all the time. It's already so much fun. :) Haven't been updating the baby blog lately, things have just been busy and stressful. I think by this time next year we're going to be in dire need of a vacation.


Hey man nice shot

Finally a shot taken has been rewarded! Just took 2nd in a $13 90 man good for $175 profit.

Roll's now up to 625. ^.^ (I learned that symbol from my work btw)

For those who don't have me on Facebook, I start my new 9pm-6am shift this Sunday night. :/ Tonight (Saturday) will likely be my last on-air shift for a while seeing as this new job has screwed me by scheduling me in the middle of my normal Saturday gig.

I don't particularly like all this change in my life, but perhaps looking back it will all have been good for me. God knows what he's doing up there. I don't have a clue, but He sure does. In the end everything will be OK.

Thank you Sir for the late night victory!


June SNG report

I LOVE having enough bankroll to play these now instead of the $2.25's. I never did May calculations because I only played about 10 games. This month's isn't a huge sample by any means, but it's kept me afloat in addition to rakeback and an affiliate deposit so that I can take more shots at bigger tournament money.

45 SNGS x 5.50 = $247.50

8 1sts x 22.50 = $180

7 2nds x 13.50 = $94.50

6 3rds x 9 = $54.00

$247.50 invested
$328.50 returned
Profit = $81 OR 14.72 buyins
ROI = 32.7%

45 games, 21 cashes, 46% cash rate

World Series of Poker Main Event starts today! w00t!

The Sunday home games is finally getting back together this weekend after a 2 month hiatus. We're playing at Herbie's, it should be gooooooodddd. :)