
Baby's here, getting a few sessions in

Well my temporary love affair with SNGs has come to a grinding halt now that I'm someone's Dad. My baby Aubrey was born almost 2 weeks ago and since coming home for Kristina it's been an ongoing cycle of feedings, diaper changes, and trying to get sleep in when we can.

With the way things are at the moment I can only really play cash games since I can quite whenever I need to. I love tournaments and I do really want to get refocused on grinding out $5 sngs month to month but until things settle down I just can't.

The last few sessions I was on a little hot streak, for me anyway. One afternoon I was only on for about 30 minutes but made almost 2 buyins just from getting good cards and action. The biggest hand I had was a 3 way pot where we all had flushes and I had the nuts. Everyone hit it on the turn so it turned out to be a decent pot.

I've only been playing the full ring 9 player tables, instead of my normal 6 max preference. The one thing I've noticed is SOOO many players are grinding anywhere from 4-20 tables at a time. I think this just says a lot about the state of poker and how good everyone's gotten, to where there are people all the time grinding out $10 buyin cash games. I mean, you gotta start somewhere but it just means that there are fewer and fewer weak easy money spots online. Now when I sit down I start searching everyone's names and noting how many tables they're at. It's good information to have because the one thing I can safely assume is that they're not fucking around when they put big $ in the pot. Why would they be? They're at so many tables they'd have to really be psychotic or have good reads to be able to splash with so much going on at once.