
Quick post

Clearly I've been in a blog drought for a month, but that's because I don't want to rehash all the LOSING I've been doing online. Quick summary: Down to $150 now, can't even buy in to .5/.10 cash games for the max anymore. :/ Current remedies to get back on track: more cash games, less turbo tournaments and sngs, more double stack sngs and mtts (reduced to $2 and $3 games), and fixing my biggest weakness of all: playing too long while losing.

I can follow all my bankroll rules except for the one that probably counts the most: taking a break when you've lost 10% of your roll in a single day. What can I say it's my weakness. I want to play when I want and if I'm getting screwed I don't want to quit.

So yeah, nowadays online poker has become less about making $ and more about having fun? Maybe a lesson of some sort I guess....

I need a big confidence boosting win with some sort of decent payout ($5 45 man?) to make me feel better about the last 2 months.