
Catching up/October bleh

Wow I can't believe how far apart my entries have been lately. I completely forgot to mention that I have a 6 month subscription to Cardrunners now. That was a goal I had set for myself a ways back, and I achieved by essentially taking a shot outside
my bankroll.

I was playing a heads up token SNG one Sunday at my in-laws and I lost the first round but my opponent and I were very evenly matched. His chat was revoked so he couldn't talk back but he found me later on another account and complimented my style. He was telling me I needed to play .50/1 heads up cash game and that I would tear it up.

So a little bit later after I had busted in some tourneys and was slightly tilted I took $40 to the HU cash table to test my skill/luck. I quickly busted a guy with $20 and then another guy sat down and kept reloading to the max. I worked my $40 up to 120 without any all in confrontations. Then I happened to flop two pair 75 on a 5 6 7 board. We both got the money in on the flop and he had the nut straight, but fate smiled on me and I sucked out the 5 on the river to boat and double to $240.

I immediately took that cash and bought the membership and I must say I'm enjoying. I actually watch most of them at work and listen to it on my headphones. Hopefully I can plug some holes in my cash game and start producing steady positive results. A few points I've picked up and it may sound basic, but just playing good solid poker and utilizing position. So I'm trying to just stick to that right now and stop trying to outplay people at .5/.10.

October has really been nothing but a downhill slide though. My results are not reflecting the lessons but you know that will turn around. And I can't really say I've been playing my A game since LA. My account is between $300-400 right now, but it's a little skewed because I transferred $80 out to friends accounts for cash at the beginning of October.

I'm still trying to remain positive and remember how resilient I am. A good $5 45 man win is always a good boost. Maybe I can snag one on Saturday at the studio. I've probably done that at least 3 or 4 times there. Just doing other things in addition to forces me to play better I guess.

I'm rambling. Peace out, I'll try and keep up a little more now that the wedding has come and gone. ;)


Louisiana report

Last weekend I took a road trip to Isle of Capri with all my home game friends for my bachelors party. I'll skip all of the details and just say that I came back with about $500 profit.

But what I really wanted to note was the difference between this trip and the one other time I went to Isle, which was the only other time I'd been in a casino. The main difference being how completely comfortable I was sitting at the 2/4 NL and 5/5 NL tables. Even though I haven't put $200-400 down on one table in a LONG time, I still felt like I was in control and was able to play my game.

The first time I went I was still fairly new to poker and I don't remember where I had gotten my $ to play with but I was definitely nervous. I ended that trip $150, so so far I'm up 2 out of 2 trips!

I will say now the hard part about coming back from a trip like that is not taking the micro sessions quite as seriously online now. But I think I'll get over that soon enough. I'm not about to forget bankroll management just because I won some nice dough live. Besides all that profit and the money used to make it is going into the wedding costs. Also it will be some nice spending cash on my honeymoon next month. :)
