
I broke down and decided to take a shot with one of my tokens. I opted for the $19k guarantee MTT with just over a 1000 players. I didn't make it past the first hour. Never really got anything going, I was at a pretty tough table. I'll post like the two hands I played later. I will say this, Jacks have been problematic for me in tourneys lately, and so I adjusted early on and didn't lose a bunch of $ when I could have.

I played some cash game afterwards and made like 16 bucks so I ended up for the night around 187 I think. I wish I had my HH here at work when I write this crap. ;)


Tue 5/29

Won a Heads up Shootout where you play two matches back to back, and got me another $26 token so that makes 3 for now. What was weird was that I won both matches with the same hand: 56d. First game I flopped the straight, 2nd I flopped a pair plush str8 flush draw, and hit the str8 on the turn. The first match was really tough because the guy was so aggressive (I’m used to heads up pansies) so I had to kind of adjust and hope to hit a dream flop like I did. That’s the thing about hyperaggressive players is it’s hard to win the small pots but easy to win big ones when you get the right kind of help.

Final tabled the $5 45 man again, but I wasn’t really playing many hands because I was watching TV at the same time. Ended up busting 9th, just outside the $ trying to steal the blinds with T7s. I got called by AK which actually isn’t that bad, but the board bricked out and the A high held.

Kristina came home and I did some chores and then got back on while she was doing homework. $2.25 MTT, I started out well and got up to about 2400 in chips but then got knocked down by softplaying my AK against two players. I flopped top pair K but there were two spades, and I had a spade. So I checked in position against the two blinds, and then a blank hit the turn and the sb fired out a pot sized bet which was a little less than half his stack. I know he can’t put me on a King here because I checked, so I’m playing it hoping he’s bluffing at me. So instead of raising him because I know he’s pot committed, I just call and decide to let him bluff off the rest of his stack to me. Well the 3rd spade hit and sure enough he shoved, and I had to call b/c I was in so deep already. And he had 57 spade made it on the river.

I still had chips though and was waiting for a good spot, and then I got my AA cracked. Again I played it tricky, just limping in the cutoff mainly because I had an aggressive big stack on my left. Naturally he doesn’t raise me when I want, so he calls and so do the blinds and oops it’s a 4 way flop. It comes Q high, and I check raise all in against the big stack hoping I didn’t get outflopped. Well I didn’t, he just had a Q8, but then it goes runner runner straight to crack em. The worst part is there were two clubs on the flop and a 3rd one came on the turn and I had the Ac. But the longshot non club straight card hit. Arg.

So THEN I jumped in a cash game and was doing ok, but twice I got some good hands cracked by these totally raggedy ones. Like 23h and 63o. First one I had put him on a flush draw when he called my turn bet, but when the second 2 hit on the river and he bets at me, I’m like WTF is going on? And I really did start to think he had the 2 but I had to see it so I called and sure enough it was a flush draw but a PAIR and a flush draw. 63o man hit two 3’s on the flop against my 88.

Ironically the last hand I played I tried to play 63o in the sb, limped to the flop. Flop comes 6 3 x. I bet and the bb calls me. Turn’s a blank, I bet again and he calls. I don’t remember what the river was but generally when someone’s calling me down I’ll check the river to induce a bluff. So I checked and he fired out a bet, and I called, he turns over 66 FOR A FLOPPED SET!

So now I’m down to like 176 again, basically where I was before I took 2nd in that 45 man on Saturday. Guess I’ll have to win another one!
